Wednesday, March 14, 2007

At long Last...

I know you've all been dying to see the big round belly and it's contents. Well, H finally got around to uploading the exterior. We'll have to wait for the interior shots, but here's what you get so far:

Bah, you say, this is nothing. Well, folks, you're right. Keep in mind that at this point I'm already a good 15-20 lbs heavier than oh, say, at my wedding in October. This is jan 18, the day we found out there were two of them. Prior to the twinsight, I would never have allowed any giant belly photos to be taken, but now that I'm a genetic anomaly, sure. why not?

Ok, well, this is one month later. You can see sponge bob peeking around the corner, but what is probably dwarfing the size of my belly are the ginormous boobalas. But just wait, it gets worse...

This last shot is only two weeks after the previous and it's about 2 weeks old now. The fact that I no longer have to hold my shirt up to expose the belly should be enough evidence of it's enormity. It has begun to have it's own gravitational field. As soon as H scans in the U/S shots, I'll post them up with the corresponding belly shot. scary stuff.


Lacey said...

your belly looks are growing little people in's normal...hey have we thought of cute twin names? L.

Kristin said...

When do we get to see the plaster cast hanging on the wall? Or should we be looking for you on the cover of Vanity Fair ala Demi Moore?

I'd also like to know how the quest for names is going.